23 Jun Due To Merger- Surplus Assets To The Ongoing Needs Of Acme Binding
Auction Type: Online Only
Sale Date:
Sale Begins Immediately
Contact: Joseph Koravos from NEPM
603-474-7455 or Joek@nepminc.com
To Arrange Inspection Of
Many Of The Items Still
In Production.
80 Cambridge Street, Charlestown, MA 02129
- Sigloch Nipper Gluer Line Including 2000Sigloch NHG-60/2 Smasher, s/n 13-045, 1996 VAM Tip End Papers, s/n 24-038, SB6000-1E-S, (2) Gluer & Taper Sections, s/n 05-083-1996, Radio Frequency Co. 2500 RF Generator, s/n 3455, 15 KVA, Rau-Forderanlagen Curved Transport System Sections, Sigloch TF Signature Transport Conveyor System w/Cooling Fans, s/n 04/1-99/1996, Approx. 100′, 2002 Sigloch Smasher NH-1, s/n 08-02-118, Sigloch BUAS-L Lay Flat, s/n 19-078, 2002 Kolbus DK670 Bump Turn, s/n 37, 2002 Sigloch VS Stacker, s/n 12-018
- 1996 Aster 2000 Book Sewer, s/n 80223-90223
- 1997 Astronic 180 Book Sewer, s/n 130154140154
- 2002 Smyth Freccia 150 Book Sewer, s/n 150L0282.4D.02, Spiral Feeder
- Stahl VBF BL500 Casing Line Consisting of Stahl VBF Building In Station, Stahl EH251 Casing In Line, s/n 2687-2845-1996, Stahl GK211 Head Band Station, s/n 2687-2844-1996, Stahl RA241 Rounder Backer, s/n 2687-2843, Stahl SR235 Conveyor Section, s/n 2687-2842, Control Console & Book Measurer
- 1997 Mueller Martini Merit Type 3671 3-Knife Trimmer, s/n 94.02067
- Mekatronics/Bendror Head Band-It Model HB1, s/n 080105, Dual Head Simatic OP3 Controller
- 1995 Shanklin F-1 Automatic Side Seal Shrink Wrapper, sn F9561, SPS Side Seal Unit, Scrap Rewinder, Shanklin T7-XL Shrink Tunnel, Buma RS-50 Delivery Stacker, s/n 07037-1982
- 1997 Stahl VBF DM300/2/S Case Maker, s/n 300-0004
- 1971 Kolbus PE Foil Stamper, s/n 162
- 1986 Kolbus PE-70 Foil Stamper, s/n 310, Conveyor Feed, Becker Vacuum Pump
- 2001 Horauf BDM-Universal Case Maker, s/n 0/68743
- Stahl VBF EKS-400 HD Round Cornerer, s/n 400-0009, 1997
- Heidelberg Stahl Folder B1430A-4 Continuous Feed 30″ Folder, s/n 1610B0007, 8 & 16 Page Right Angle Attachments, 4/4/4, Pre-Scoring Option
- Stahl SBP46.2 Delivery Pressing Stacker, s/n 40594
- 2002 Kolbus KM472A Perfect Binding Line Consisting of (28) ZU804 Gathering Pockets, s/n 912, Opti Graf Signature ID Readers, Rietschle Air Cabinet, Kolbus ZA800 Book Block Stacker, s/n 72, Reject Station ??, (2) VA-421 End Sheet Feeders, s/n 49, Kolbus KM427A 27-Clamp Perfect Binding Section, s/n 501, Co-Pilot Automation X3 Controls, Notching Station, (3) Milling Stations, EVA, PVA, Pur Glue Sections, (7) Glue Pots, Nordson BM200-G5K52M1 Pur Glue Tank, s/n LU02C01736, (2) Kolbus LA370 Pre-Melters, Lining/Gauzing Station, Stream Cover Feeder, Double Nipping Stations, Trolley Book Delivery, Kolbus FSL Conveyor System, Ambaflex SV-400-1800-HS Cooling Tower, 2112-01 (Kolbus XAT660, s/n 123), Overhead Conveyor Bridge, Ambaflex SV-400-1800 4-Level Cooling Tower, s/n 2113-01, Kolbus HD151P Automated 3-Knife Trimmer, s/n 578, Co-Pilot Programming, Rima RS-3310S 13″ Counter Stacker, s/n 337058-10
- Solema Fast Book Block Feeder, s/n 6186, A/K/A Kolbus XSL260, s/n 51
- 2009 Nordson Versapak 8106203 Pur Melter, s/n LU09J04128
- 1998 Polar 115E Paper Cutter, s/n 6831244, (2) Side Air Tables
- 2007 GBC Voyager 3 Single Sided Sheet Laminator, m/n VOY30208, s/n 0807, Temp. Controller
- 1972 Sterling S64 2-Station Tipper, s/n 3616
- 1972 Sterling S64 2-Station Tipper, s/n 3603
- 1982 Shanklin HS1 High Speed Shrink Wrapper, s/n H8203, Teflon Infeed Conveyor, Waste Rewinder, Shanklin T7XL Tunnel, s/n T8248
- 2016 Atlas Copco GA37 Rotary Screw Air Compressor, s/n API571058, 50 HP
- EZ-Cut Material Dispensing System
- Imperia Die Cutter/Foil Stamper s/n 9004/1271, 28 x 40
Sale in Conjunction with
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