2 Brewery Place
Ipswich, MA 01938
Featuring: 30 & 60 BBL Brewhouses, Fermenters: (3) 120 BBL, (2) 100 BBL, (3) 80 BBL, (8) 60 BBL, (10) 30 BBL, (3) 15 BBL UniTank, (3) 10 BBL, (1) 7 BBL, Brite Tanks: (4) 120 BBL, (6) 60 BBL, (1) 50 BBL, (2) 30 BBL, (1) 15 BBL, Pall Lenticular Filter, Grain Handling and Mill, Rolex Dry Hopper, Keg Washer, Switchback AI-2H Cartoner, BGF-12 Tray Former, Quarrel High-Speed Labeler, Lab and Brewery Support.
Bidding Opens: Wednesday, January 17th, Starting At 1:00 PM
Bidding Closes: Wednesday, January 24th, Starting At 1:00 PM